How to travel to Europe for 200 dollars or less!

Typically when looking for tickets to other countries, you don’t find very much below the 900 dollar mark!

But now it’s time…

Time for the BIG reveal…

 Norwegian_air_shuttle_b737-300_ln-kko_arpNORWEGIAN AIR!!

On Norwegian air all they mainly provide is transportation from A to B.

Providing food, bag checks and such cost extra. They are all provided separately hence why they are so cheap! To find even cheaper tickets to distant lands you would have to check their low-fare calender. Although the prices are great, Norwegian airlines are only apparent in New York, Florida or LA.

This is where on specific days they have special sale prices in which you get to take advantage off. They do provide a entertainment system. Including wifi, touchscreen and Tv.

The touch screens don’t work from my experience, but this plane is worth its money!

While looking at their company values I found the following…


  • Simplicity- They provide just the essentials for you to get there
  • Directness-They take minimum amount of stops
  • Relevance- Because the flight is so direct it is not a waste of time

Operational priorities:

  • Safety
  • Service
  • Simplicity

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